We are yet to unravel why home automation is yet to spread across the globe 55 years down the line, since the innovation of the Echo IV, back in 1966. Currently, we have about 200 million smart homes around the world and the Digital Market Outlook is forecasting an increase in the number of smart homes to 482, 8 million by 2025. Given the current trend of home automation and the frequency of release and innovation of the already existing smart home gadgets, the projections by Digital Market Outlook might come true.
Rated Gadgets advocates for home automation because the smart devices help save energy and promote green energy. Our mission, therefore, is to provide reliable literature with regards to use, integration, and installation of smart home devices. As mentioned earlier, home automation is swiftly sweeping across the globe, and many people have not been able to keep up with the release and use of the various smart home gadgets.
Transitioning from a traditional home to a smart home is a gradual process that entails understanding how the smart gadgets work, and how they can be integrated with your smartphone or tablet for easy customization. Once automated most functions inside and outside your home can be done without you moving from your bed or couch. For example, did you know that you control your garden sprinkler using the smart garden sprinkler controller, you could also connect some of your kitchen appliances with the smart plugs and get dinner started as you get off work.
Rated Gadget will, therefore, walk with you through the various home automation stages, if you wish to start with the smart door locks, we will provide you with reliable information. Beginning with how the smart lock works, we have compiled information on the various types of smart locks in the market, where you can purchase them from, and how you can install them and get them working.
We have also addressed the security concerns given that running a smart home requires the use of a Wi-Fi network. Talking about security did you know that you can be provided with a real-time footage of your home while you are away at work? For this option, you have a wide variety of smart cameras to choose from ranging from the outdoor cameras that are weatherproof to the doorbell cameras that offer a wide range of views. The devices will not only provide you with footage but will also work as intercoms if you need to address the person on the other side of the door.
Home automation is the future and as you plan on transitioning, Rated Gadgets will provide you with reliable information needed for this crucial step.